Call in Sick
We have chosen to outsource legal employership to Maqqie. You are therefore not employed by Bouw Support Nederland, but by Maqqie. If you are sick, you must ALWAYS report this immediately by telephone to the practical employer before 07:30 a.m. and before 09:30 a.m. to Maqqie via telephone number: +31880107500. When you have recovered and are going back to work at the hirer, you must of course also report this to us and Maqqie. You can NOT report sick by E-mail, SMS or WhatsApp.
When reporting sick you state::
– The day you got sick.
– When your next working day would be.
– The estimated duration of the absence.
– The (nursing) address during your period of illness.
– The phone number where you can be reached directly.
First day of illness
The day of reporting sick is the first day of illness. Are you too late to report sick? In that case, the period until notification is regarded as unpaid leave. If the first day of illness falls on a Saturday or Sunday, you report sick to your practical employer and Maqqie on the following Monday. If you normally also work at weekends and become ill on Saturday or Sunday, you must report this to your practical employer on the first day and to Maqqie on the following Monday.
Provide correct (nursing) address
You must always provide the correct (nursing) address during your period of illness, if this does not match your home address.
Checking illness and report
After reporting sick, you are expected to stay at home so that an employee of our ARBO department can contact you. Our ARBO doctor can also visit you. You are allowed to leave your address for a visit to the general practitioner, a medical specialist or the company doctor. It is the intention that, if the illness gives cause to do so, you will be treated within a reasonable period of time by a general practitioner or medical specialist.
Absenteeism Counseling
Our ARBO service will contact you and draw up a recovery plan in consultation with you. You are obliged to appear at the consultation hour of the absenteeism supervisor when requested to do so.
Sickness money
Phase A contract with agency clause
Do you have a Phase A contract with an agency clause? In that case, the first two days of illness count as waiting days. You will not get paid for this, but we will compensate for this with the waiting day compensation; a supplement to your wages. You see this on every pay slip. From the 3rd day you can be entitled to a sickness benefit. This is 91% of the daily wage. The UWV determines the daily wage and informs you about this by letter after you have reported sick to us. You must then e-mail or send us the payment specifications for your sick pay (we do not receive these directly). We will then supplement up to 91% of your daily wage.
Phase B or C contract
Do you have a Phase B or C Contract? The above procedure for reporting sick also applies in that case. However, there is only 1 waiting day and you do not have to send any specifications. We continue to pay 91% of the contract hours in the event of illness.
Report that you have recovered
Have you recovered? When you have recovered and are going back to work at the hirer, you must report this to Maqqie via telephone number:: +31880107500.
Already out of service and sick within 4 weeks?
Have you already left employment and will you become ill again within 4 weeks? Then you must report this sick report to Maqqie on the first day of illness.